viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


a student survey on school persepcion having

name: lorena rodriguez
degree :11-2
Age: 16 years
1. you think of the school teachers and their teaching
Answer: Good

2.cual is your favorite subject and why:
Response: physical, because I like numbers and gives me easy

3.What do you think of the state of school facilities
Answer: good condition

4. if you liked the change of school:

5. you say the deal of your new companions:
Answer: Good


Here are the proposals of Valentina Campuzano:
1. Organize study groups in each of the classrooms to help students of lower academic performance. (Would be done with a respective schedule and / or schedule)
2. Set up a space in the breaks in which students can hear a variety of music, to post birthday messages and can find out about the activities carried out in the institution.
3. Sex education campaigns, and drug addiction as this information is not being handled properly in youth and I think now is a very important issue. It will bring the subject specialists dictate us a talk and inform us about everything that relates to it.
4. Perform some ludicopedagogicas days in which students and teachers can get away from the routine and enjoy a movie or a fun time with either educational games and / or table, this can be done once a month, on a date specified
5. To share the day with children in primary school, and high school students that we forget about the little ones, that in every high school classroom students commit ourselves to give a present to children of primary school each room one primary sponsor and it will be fair.
6. Revisit the educational outings or gatherings, whether for recreation, or learning, such as museums and the departmental library "APPLE OF KNOWLEDGE".
7. Perform monthly Jean Days, which are achieved in raising funds for extracurricular activities.
8. Highlighting not only the sporting talents, but also the art, that is, for the flag hoisted, will remove a space to highlight not only academics but also to give merit to those who have innate artistic talents such as singing , dance, play instruments and make paintings on canvas, and they are allowed to share what they know.
9. Develop cultural week "NIGHT LIGHTS", the idea is that all levels of the school and plan to develop a show with a topic that does not involve so much expense, either a dance, a play or skit, and that it be presented on the night of the lights.
10. Encourage students to a toilet campaign, which at the end of each period students have a specific day to make the toilet in their classrooms.


That day he lived very partying and carnival like, well that's not unusual in coombia because here in my country are very happy, and revelers celebrate everything.
much joy, color and much recocha along with a bit of clutter.

maria del mar palomino candidate profile

profile of maria 
name: maria palomino peace sea
degre :11-1
Hobby: I like to skate and do a lot of sport and love my fellow colaborarle
since first grade I've been 11 years in school

stefania dinas candidate profile

profile of estefania dinas
name: estefania dynes
degre :11-1
hobby: grean peace and ceiling
you entered for the school and does everything:
before that I was studying at the Santiago Apostol but when all schools joined the san juan change me because I was closer to my house

omar cutiva candidate profile

profile of omar cutiva escobar
name: omar escobar cutiva
Grade: 11-1 best
hobby: studying and sport
How long have you studied in school and I go on?
I enter in sixth and that seemed like a good institution

and likes the uniforms and how to teach the school with your organization

jaime viafara candidate profile

porfile of candidate

Name: jaime Viafara
Grade: 11-2
hobby: music
¿Why you entered the school and since when?:
entered 4 years ago that his school is over and it seemed a good idea.

much interested in promoting art among students who are very talented.
Why they should be chosen as a solicitor in school?
because I like to help a lot at school with my proposals, as many before me have tried and failed.